APBA Regional Tournament Schedule

Last updated 3/16/2025


I am now accepting Regional Tournament announcements through September of 2025. Please submit your tournament information to Randy Coryer at apba66nyslp@yahoo.com.
Please keep the announcement to 150 words or less and include the tournament date, name, location, theme, price, any deadlines or restrictions, and tournament director contact information.
Longer submissions will be edited.
Only links to tournament web sites and email addresses will be posted – no links to YouTube videos or individual documents.


The APBA Regional Tournament schedule is as follows. Please mark your calendars accordingly and be sure to attend and participate in one of these fine events. You will not regret the experience of face-to-face gaming and tournament play.

Saturday, March 29-Saturday, June 21, 2025 – APBA Convention Soccer Tournament – Sign-up for the APBA Convention Soccer Tournament is now open to all interested players. You don’t actually have to like soccer to enjoy this game, and you don’t have to know the game very well or at all. The rules are easy and the tournament will be filled with experienced APBA Soccer players who enjoy helping others understand and enjoy this fun, realistic, yet simple to play game. If you don’t have the game or any APBA soccer teams, many of our regular players have lots of soccer teams they will be happy to allow you to use for the tournament. Opening Kickoff to The Finals: Kickoff will be Saturday, March 29, with the finals at the National APBA Convention in Alpharetta, Georgia, June 19-22, 2025. You don’t have to be present to participate. The finals can be held live or via video application. If interested, contact Tournament Director Jack Dolan at jaxondolan@gmail.com.

Saturday, April 5, 2025 – The Twin Cities APBA Baseball Tournament (TCABT) XXIII will be held in Shakopee, Minnesota. The event will be held at The Shakopee Community Youth Building at Lion’s Park, 1099 Adams Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379. The entry fee is $25 (pays for site rental and APBA Gift Certificates for top finishers). Team selection is now in full swing. The tournament director is Jim Fraasch and he may be contacted at jwfraasch@gmail.com for additional information on payment, team selection, and tournament rules. To see teams selected to date, please visit: https://jimsapbabarn.wordpress.com/2025/01/18/tcabt-xxii-team-selection-2/.

Saturday, April 26, 2025 – 2nd Annual Toronto Classic, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The tournament will be held at 3 Rean Drive, Toronto, Ontario M2K 3C2. Teams between 1962 and 2024 (excluding 2020) with a winning percentage of .420 or lower will be eligible. The cost is $35. Please contact Dan Prizzon at 416-294-5213 or e-mail dprizzon@gmail.com and/or follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1239461300608764.

Saturday, May 10, 2025 – Charm City Classic, Timonium, Maryland. The Charm City Classic returns for the fourth consecutive year with the theme Born4Baseball. Participants will select a team on which a player shares your birthday (month and day). Team selection is first come-first served. The tournament location is the Holiday Inn Hotel in Timonium, Maryland (just North of Baltimore on I-83). The tournament is limited to 48 entries and has a fee of $25. For rules and all necessary information, please e-mail apba66charmcity@gmail.com.

Saturday, May 17, 2025 – Kansas City APBA Baseball Tournament, Gladstone, Missouri. The KC tournament will be held at the Gladstone Community Center, 6901 N Holmes Street, Gladstone, MO 64118. Any team from 1920 to present (except teams from the 2020 season) is eligible and will be available for selection. Early team selection will begin in mid-March with a closing selection date of May 1. Please contact Jeff at buffalojeff13@gmail.com for questions or to register. An email with tournament rules and past champions will be available soon. Jump on the bandwagon and come see us in Kansas City for a little APBA baseball and BBQ!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2025 – South Bend APBA Baseball Tournament, South Bend, Indiana. The 2nd Annual SBABT will be held at the Holiday Inn at the intersection of Michigan Street and Ireland Road. The theme is “100 Loss Teams.” Teams are chosen on a first come, first served basis, with 28 teams/managers currently registered, but there is room for a total of 50. The tournament is Basic Game format, three-man rotation, and the DH will be used. The cost is $20 which includes lunch. For a copy of the tournament rules, list of eligible teams, or any questions, please contact Bob Winenger at rwinenger@sbcglobal.net.

Thursday through Sunday, June 19-22, 2025 – APBA National Convention and Tournaments, Alpharetta, Georgia. Be sure to reserve these dates to attend the APBA National Convention. More information will follow as the game company is currently finalizing arrangements. Once the final cost is established the company website will be updated for registration.

Saturday, July 12, 2025 – 2025 Chicagoland Summer APBA Baseball Tournament. The tournament will be held at Am-Vets Post 66, 700 McHenry Road, Wheeling, IL. Doors open at 8 am, games start at 9 am. The entry fee is $40 and includes coffee, snacks, lunch, and prizes. This year’s theme, “I Wish I Knew You When I Was Young,” features any non-retired team from 1905–1970. Tournament rules include a 4-man rotation, pitchers bat, and relievers limited to 2 innings per appearance. There will be an optional Friday night gathering and post-tournament dinner on Saturday. Please contact Rob Spatz at robspatz@gmail.com for more information or to register.

Monday through Wednesday, July 21-23, 2025 – 2025 Vegas APBA Baseball Championship, Las Vegas, Nevada. The tournament will be held at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. There will be a 14-game schedule played over the first two days, with the 8-team playoffs on the third day. Any team from 1949 to 1999 with a winning percentage of .600 to .625 is eligible. The cost is $60 per person with food and beverages provided each day. Please contact Chris White at vsusports23@gmail.com to register.

Saturday, August 9, 2025 – Southern Illinois APBA Tournament (Shiloh, IL) – Tournament Director John Kalous. E-mail John at jabakalous@gmail.com for information. This is a new tournament.

Saturday, August 16, 2025 – Sioux Falls Tournament – Tournament Director Dave Druk. Email Dave at dave@northlandhockeygroup.com for information. This is a new tournament.

Saturday, August 23, 2025 – 10th Annual Glass City APBA Baseball Tournament, Maumee, Ohio. The tournament will be held at the Maumee-Bowling Green Elks Lodge #1850, 137 W Wayne Street, Maumee, Ohio 43537 starting at 9 am. The cost is $20 and the theme is MVP and/or Cy Young Award winners. Your team must be from 1921 to present (excluding 1981, 1994, and 2020) and have an MVP and or Cy Young Award winner on the team. A random draft order for team selection will be held June 1st with team selection to follow. The DH and 3-man rotations will be used. If interested, or for a copy of the rules, please contact either Ron Emch at rce@emcher.com, Norm at drzacu@yahoo.com, or Zach at zzavela@gmail.com.


This is a free and additional add-on contest where the APBA player accumulates wins from across all four of the southern APBA baseball tournament regionals.
The four Southern APBA Regionals in 2025 will be:
1) Charlie Fouche’s Chattanooga Shoot-Out (02/2025) in Chattanooga, TN
2) Shoeless Joe Jackson Dead Ball Tournament (08/2025) in Greenville, SC
3) Old Dominion Tournament (09/2025)
4) RollAPBAlooza: The Madison Bumgarner Seasons (omit the 2020 season) (10/2025) moving to beautiful Bluffton, SC (hoping no hurricane this time)