APBA League Openings

Last updated 3/3/2025

Send your APBA league openings to Randy Coryer at apba66nyslp@yahoo.com. Please limit your posting to 100 words. Clearly indicate the type of league – board game or computer – and anything else that would be helpful to potential new managers.

March 3

Computer APBA Baseball League (CABLE) Opening – CABLE is looking for two new owners to immediately take over teams that have been recently and unexpectedly vacated due to health issues. The regular season has just started, so there is plenty of time to take the reins of one of the available teams and play out the season. CABLE is an AIM/BBW 6.0 24-team league that plays a 162 game regular season schedule. Two leagues, three divisions per league, and four teams per division, with eight teams advancing to postseason play. 40-man rosters with 27 active players during league play. Owners are spread out across the country. Managers typically play their home games solo with their opponent providing a micromanager. If interested and for more information contact CABLE Commissioner Gary Peterson at gary.a.peterson6@gmail.com.

VHBL League Opening – The Vast Horace Baseball League (VHBL) is entering its 47th season. The VHBL is a 16-team BBW 5.75 league with a 160 game season running April through September. The VHBL has managers in Ohio, Canada, Connecticut, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and West Virginia. The league plays Face-to-Face as well as TeamViewer, Anydesk, and Zoom. The VHBL has one immediate managerial opening. If interested, please call John Wilson at 216-789-3764 or e-mail at stats66@aol.com.

Short Season Baseball League forming – SSBL will be a 2024 Version 6 computer AIM league of 12 or 16 teams, playing a reduced schedule of 100 games in 20 weeks. Teams will start with an actual MLB franchise, using the base 26 players on the roster, and then draft 14 more from the remaining player pool. Managers must have AIM league experience, and be able to meet weekly reporting requirements and other league obligations. If interested, please contact SSBL at ssbl@baseball60.com.

February 28

SABA League Openings – The Southern APBA Baseball Association (SABA) is a legacy 18 team, basic game, cards and dice league in existence since 1973. SABA plays “forward” and will draft in July for the 2005 season beginning in October. They are recruiting managers for 5-6 team openings. By joining now, you will have ample time to assume leadership of a team and prepare for the 2005 draft and season. The SABA season is 162 games and runs October to May. Their website is http://tmlam.org/saba.html. If interested, please send an email to Dr. Keith Schellenberger at embb@leansixsigmaservices.net.

February 12

OAPBA League Opening – OAPBA (Orlando) is entering its 38th season in 2025 and is in need of two managers to take over existing franchises (both loaded!). Master Game league with modest revisions. Play face-to-face, Facetime, or Zoom. OAPBA uses 35-man rosters (26 active per half) and plays an 80-game schedule with two halves. Managers MUST be able to maintain statistics. The league draft for 2025 is scheduled in mid-March and play will begin in early April. More information is available at www.oapba.org. If interested, please contact Rod Caborn at rcaborn@mac.com.

Long Distance Baseball Association Opening – The LDBA is a 24-team BBW Summer league looking for someone who is ready for a real managerial challenge. The LDBA has contracts for players based on player time of control. The league has basic contracts, no trade contracts, options contracts and others. Each year there are a live rookie draft and five trading periods, plus a process to get contract extensions for players obtained in trades. If interested, please send an email to Mike Willett, LDBA Commissioner, at tttriplesteal2651apba@gmail.com.

February 2

International Simulation Baseball Association (ISBA) Opening – The ISBA is a 12-team draft keeper AIM league utilizing BBW 6.0. The league has an immediate managerial opening for an experienced APBA (preferably BBW) manager to assume an existing team. The ISBA is currently holding their annual pre-season 5-round draft based on the 2024 MLB season. The 32-week season will begin following the draft. If interested or for more information, please contact Bob at bobvipers@yahoo.com.

January 17

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LEG) Opening – LEG is a BBW 5.75 league in search of at least one manager. LEG consists of 32 teams split into the AL (DH) and NL (Non-DH) with two Divisions each and plays 162 games. Roster size is 40 (mostly Hall-of-Famers from the 1890’s to the present) with 27 active. LEG uses contracts, a salary cap, and free agency. This is a league for the advanced and dedicated manager. Babe Ruth hit off Bob Gibson? Ty Cobb steal on Johnny Bench? Nolan Ryan pitch against Walter Johnson? If interested, please contact Nik at nik.malatestinic@gmail.com.

January 12

ACTBALL League Opening – The ACTBALL league has 2 immediate openings. ACTBALL is a modern BBW 5.75 league that uses a unique player contract system to mimic MLB roster construction. Players may be signed to short-term non-renewable 1 or 2 year contracts, or signed to long term contracts (3+ years). Once a long-term contract expires, the player becomes a restricted free agent (RFA) and bidding on the player ensues in real time! The league is starting its 2025 RFA draft shortly; some of the big names in the draft are Mike Trout, JT Realmuto, Jose Ramirez, Shohei Ohtani, Blake Snell, Joe Musgrove, Chris Sale, Pete Alonso, Vlad Guerrero, Fernando Tatis, and many more. Up for a unique challenge? Contact John directly via email at superstarjones66@yahoo.com.

January 8

ABPL League Openings – The ABPL is a BBW 6.0 league in the off season getting ready for its 54th season. The ABPL is a 24 team league with a unique system where each team is tied to its Major League team franchise. The league uses the most current season and there are no league fees. They are looking for a couple of new members who enjoy baseball and the game of APBA. If you are interested or desire more information, please contact Bob at tigerbob6611@yahoo.com.

TABL League Opening – The TABL has an opening for one more computer player – BBW 5.75 or BBW 6.0. The league’s simple stats program accommodates both versions, and produces statistics more accurately than League Manager. A strong existing franchise in a 20-team keeper league is available. Or choose one that needs a rebuild. 84 game schedule, played April through September, then playoffs. Join in time for the rookie draft. League website: http://chrisorly.com/TABL/ Contact Big Al (speidel@cruzio.com) for more information.

Motor City League Openings – The Motor City League plays APBA modified basic board game, almost all FTF in the Detroit five county area (SE Michigan), with a couple teams further afield. They are finishing their 46th season of continuous ownership. The league plays an 80-game regular season, has a salary system and other modifications to make this, above all, a fun experience. The league has an in-person draft/signing day, usually in late March. They also have the Motor City League forum on Delphi. If interested or for more information, contact John Downing (jpd1212@gmail.com).