News from APBA

2024 APBA Convention Hockey Tournament Signup

The 2024 APBA Convention Hockey tournament signup is now open.

Signup is now open and will close at midnight on Friday, March 1, 2024.

Please enter by sending an email with the subject line “2024 HOCKEY TOURNAMENT ENTRY” in ALL CAPS to

Please include (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) THREE different team selections – please clearly indicate your first choice, second choice, and third choice teams, and be sure to identify the team AND season. You will get your first choice unless another entrant also selects them as his or her first choice, in which case a draw will be held to determine which entrant is awarded the multi-claimed team.

Details on format, rules, and first round matchups will be determined and sent shortly after the March 1st entry deadline.